Monday, April 9, 2012

photo 7

The Winner comes from Burgården !!!!!

Those who came first, second and third in school championship this year were all from Burgården!

 The School showed that all the effort and dedication paid off when they took home a grand slam among students in their final year, it was the same girls who came top three in the regional finals three weeks earlier, so practice makes perfect!.

Congratulations Matilda, Anela and Pernilla!!!!

 You can read more about the competitions on this website: 

(the girls are over 18 and I'm aloud to show their faces)


  1. How fantastic to win such prizes. Did you have to do a lot of work to get the students ready for the competition? Were they excited and motivated by the experience?

  2. The school has a competition tradition which makes the students right from the start intreserade and motivated. plus the teachers at the school are good at inspiring students who want and dare.

  3. Ewa this happens in Australia too. One Technical and Vocational College in South Australia wins many prizes in these competitions and the teachers are very involved. The teachers in this College have to do a lot of work with the students to get ready for the competition. Is this the case in your school?

  4. Absolutely but it feels like there is an informal commitment of teachers to work with the school management to support and inspire students to compete and develop in that spirit.Of course there are teachers who are more and less interested in competition proceedings.

  5. How many hours do they practice before the competition?

  6. I do not think any of them dare or energy to count on it, they put both school hours and especially after school and weekends to prepare as maximum as possible.


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