Thursday, April 12, 2012

Permanent technique !

This is a doll's head in which students engaged permanent. What you see in the picture is a kind of modern permanent technology that is tricked up with monte brown coils. It's a very difficult technique that students can practice a long time until it is in their fingertips.


  1. in witch grade are they starting to learn this tricky process?

  2. In grade two and a bit in grade one in the school :).

  3. What makes this process so tricky? Our students use lots of these kinds of models to practice on. They seem to develop confidence afyter a while and then they can do this technique with live models. How long does it take for them to learn this technique? How do you go about teaching them this technique?

    1. It is an advanced technique and there are different ways to roll on. It takes them about two years to learn a few number of these permanent techniques. But over the years, there are other things they also learn techniques such as cutting sets of colors and so on. These techniques are explained by the teacher and the teacher to show it on a doll and explains the attitude one should stand and how to declare permanent and give them lots of different advice.

  4. For how long time do they practice on dolls before they work on humans?

    1. It takes them about two years before they roll in a permanent customer usually makes them out on the practice of allowing the supervisor and also the school's salon in the third year.


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